From time to time I receive requests from people to create something special and unique for their home or for a gift to a loved one. Following are a few examples of commissioned works.
Tiny Town Family Map
This was the result of a collaboration with a client from Durham, NC who wanted a very special artwork for his family. He had seen an illustrated map I had done for a local restaurant and told me he had always loved the "tiny town" type maps since he was a kid. His parents lived in Asheville. He had siblings in Asheville, Charlotte, Florida and Singapore. He provided me with photos of the different family members homes and and some background information. When the artwork was finished, fine art reproductions were made for each household.
Then one day a woman from Florida contacted me. She was a friend of the client's sister in Florida. She had seen the Tiny Town Family Map print hanging in her friend's home. Her mother was going to have to leave the only home she had ever known on their family farm in Missouri. She wanted her mother to have something special to "hold on to" her memories of the farm.
Each panel of this triptych is 17 x 21 inches, so the entire width of the images is 51 inches. It was created for clients in Phoenix who wanted a special piece for their bedroom. The clients are fans of my artwork, Seasons of the Soul so they asked me to create a work that somehow incorporated their three favorite figures from the print which were, resistance, harmony, and ''movin' out".